Today I am, because I can be.

Unrealistic standards and expectations of women, the importance of embracing one's authentic self cannot be overstated. The journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance is powerful, and women must recognize the significance of being true to themselves.  

When I paint, I always explore the profound impact of authenticity on a woman's life and the empowerment that comes with embracing individuality.

From a young age, women are bombarded with societal expectations, often dictating how they should look, behave, and even think. The media, peer pressure, and cultural norms can create a suffocating atmosphere, pushing women to conform to predetermined roles. This pressure to fit into predefined molds can stifle individuality, leaving many women trapped and unfulfilled.

The Empowerment of Authenticity:

Embracing one's authentic self is an empowering act that can lead to many positive outcomes. When a woman can be true to herself, she experiences a newfound sense of freedom and confidence. Authenticity breeds self-love and self-respect, fostering a positive self-image beyond societal standards.

Painting women's emotions:

Painting female emotions is a profoundly personal and meaningful choice for me as an artist. Emotions are the universal language of the human experience. By focusing on female emotions in my art, I can capture and convey a unique perspective that is often overlooked or underrepresented.

Like all individuals, women experience a wide range of emotions, from joy and empowerment to vulnerability and resilience. By exploring and depicting these emotions in my paintings, I aim to create a visual narrative that resonates with viewers profoundly. It's an opportunity to celebrate the complexity of women's feelings, allowing them to be seen and understood in all their depth and nuance.

Moreover, painting female emotions serves as a form of empowerment. The world sometimes imposes limited and stereotypical views of women; I want to showcase the strength and beauty of embracing one's emotional authenticity. Through my art, I encourage a broader understanding of the diverse, dynamic landscapes women navigate, fostering empathy, connection, and a celebration of individuality.

Ultimately, my choice to paint female emotions is a tribute to the rich tapestry of the human experience, where emotions serve as a powerful and unifying force. I hope that by capturing these emotions on canvas, I contribute to a broader conversation about the beauty and strength of embracing and expressing the full spectrum of feelings, particularly within the female experience.

Society often perpetuates stereotypes about women, limiting their roles and capabilities. By being true to oneself, women can challenge and break these stereotypes. Each woman is unique, with her own set of skills, talents, and passions. Embracing individuality helps to dispel narrow-minded perceptions and encourages a more inclusive and diverse society.


Authenticity is a magnet for genuine connections. When women are true to themselves, they attract like-minded individuals who appreciate and respect them for who they are. Building relationships based on authenticity and mutual understanding creates a supportive network that can weather life's challenges.

Leading by Example:

Women who embrace their authenticity become powerful role models for future generations. They inspire others to do the same by breaking free from societal constraints. This ripple effect contributes to a cultural shift, promoting a world where women are celebrated for their uniqueness and individuality.

For women who embrace themselves as raw women with impactful emotions: 

To celebrate the authentic woman, I have created with Papaya Pika ( my art goods website) a unique and very empowering wall calendar for 2024. This wall calendar is a daily reminder that courage is your compass in a world clamoring for conformity. Each month showcases remarkable women breaking free from societal norms, inspiring you to follow your heart fearlessly and embrace the extraordinary journey ahead."


Catherin Morin


When Change Arrives In Shape, You Least Expect